The impact of the electronics component market in the pursuit of greener technologies and decarbonised products
In our latest report we examine the impact of power electronics and the importance of inverters in EV manufacturing.
Nick Harrison is a partner and industrial sector specialist at Vendigital. He recently shared his insights with Manufacturing Management.
Despite some tentative signs of manufacturing sector recovery, cost reduction strategies remain a key focus for many businesses and could make the difference between success or failure in the months ahead, says Nick Harrison, a partner and industrial products sector specialist at top-20 management consultancy, Vendigital.
While some are well on the way to rightsizing their cost base, others still have much to do. So where should they start?
The pandemic has had a disparate effect on UK manufacturers across industry sectors. Many high-value manufacturers in the automotive and aerospace industries were brought to a virtual standstill by global lockdown restrictions. They are now faced with a sluggish or non-existent market rebound, which is unlikely to bring much mid-term sales growth. For these businesses, cost reduction strategies are essential, but come with the additional challenge of continuing to invest in sustainable technologies, such as battery tech and other decarbonisation solutions, for use in the development of greener planes and vehicles.
On the other hand, manufacturers operating in areas such as telecoms, automation, medical equipment and food and drink production, for example, have maintained strong order books throughout the pandemic. Rather than reducing their cost base, they are focused on controlling costs as they grow and introducing the systems needed to scale up operations.
The latest industry surveys give a mixed picture of how the sector is faring too. The CBI’s latest monthly Industrial Trends survey revealed that new orders rose only slightly in August, despite the economic downturn easing – the increase was below economists’ expectations. The IHS Markit / CIPS Purchasing Managers Index reported that factory output in the same month rose at the fastest rate for six years, despite businesses cutting a significant number of jobs. Both surveys agree that while some of the pressures on manufacturers are showing signs of easing, trading performances are still far from back to normal.
Despite the pain of managing in a pandemic, there have been some learning points for manufacturers, which they could capitalise on as markets begin to recover. For example, some found they were able to pivot to meet new areas of demand quickly, without the approval of layers of management and restrictive departmental protocols. Now, as many businesses revert to making what they were before the pandemic, they want to become leaner and more efficient, at the same time as rationalising their cost base.
In the short term, the pain of re-starting operations is going to be far greater than the pain of shutting down. Now back up and running, many manufacturers are struggling to keep production lines open and fulfil orders with fewer people due to furloughing. Business managers have realised that significant productivity gains can be achieved by making better use of technologies and using fewer people in decision-making roles.
Instead of tackling people costs in isolation however, businesses must design and implement cost reduction strategies that will improve their resilience in the long term. In many cases, decision makers are spread across multiple locations and there is a lack of visibility about who is buying what from whom. Adopting a more centralised approach when procuring essential supplies and other fixed costs could help to drive down costs and improve transparency. However, greater focus on improving supply chain efficiency and reducing operational costs is needed too.
The key to delivering value in the longer term lies in improving understanding of customer profitability and total cost of acquisition. The starting point is access to accurate and reliable data. For example, it is not unusual for manufacturers to be using multiple IT systems, which have been installed by different departments over a period of time. With data stored on different systems, using different part codes and supplier information, achieving end-to-end supply chain visibility is impossible and true cost understanding is buried in unfathomable data sets.
To reduce costs and improve operational resilience during the recovery phase, manufacturers should consider the following steps:
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