Increasing capacity and meeting decarbonisation goals – can it be done?
We discuss the cost and infrastructure considerations of switching to an all-electric fleet of off-highway vehicles.
It’s time to embrace Chinese EV capability
EV makers in the UK and Europe are warning that Zero Emission Mandates are simply not doable and subdued levels of demand could force them to close factories. Should the industry embrace Chinese capability before it’s too late?
FT 2025 Leading UK Management Consultants special report
We are been named in the report for the 8th consecutive year with medals in 4 categories.
Optimising perishable inventory
In this insight we outline five ways to improve inventory management for products with a short shelf life.
The impact of the electronics component market in the pursuit of greener technologies and decarbonised products
In our latest report we examine the impact of power electronics and the importance of inverters in EV manufacturing.
Putting factory-based production in the spotlight
Are manufacturers prioritising investment in digital capability and Industry 4.0 technologies?
Collaboration key to managing supply shocks
Manufacturers need to collaborate closely with suppliers to mitigate the impact of shocks and supply chain disruptions.
Inventory and working capital optimisation
Taking an end-to-end supply chain and data driven approach can help organisations optimise inventory management, improve working capital and increase operational resilience.
With customer demand fuelling the rise of the hybrid, where does that leave EVs?
Automakers are facing a dilemma – with demand for hybrid cars burgeoning but having already invested in building pure EV platforms, what should they do now?