Recovering from a Global Supply Meltdown
The Covid19 pandemic has had a profound impact on supply chains across the globe. As prices and inflation rise we look at causes behind this and how businesses can meet these challenges and plan for the future.
UK Magazine Publishing and Business Media: Value, Impact and Engagement
A recent report produced by Vendigital and the PPA offers valuable insights into the scale, impact and reach of the UK magazine publishing and business media sector.
Leveraging data to drive procurement post pandemic
Using data analytics alongside human insights can drive effective business transformations. Here are 4 steps businesses can follow to ensure get the most out of their data to maximise procurement effectiveness.
Challenges facing businesses on the road to digital transformation
Our recent research study with Cranfield University highlighted 7 key challenges impacting businesses ability to implement a digital transformation programme.
The newspaper retail market in numbers
Vendigital commissioned a survey of over 2000 UK adults, to assess the current state of newspaper demand. When the survey results are combined with our data analysis we can map the newspaper retail market against 5 key factors.
UK Rail Profitability Calculator
The rail industry continues to face number of challenges which have impacted on how providers operate and make a profit. We’ve created a simple to use tool that helps the rail industry understand the financial impact and the level of capacity trains will need to reach before a profit can be made.