3 steps to better supply chain risk management
Here, we look at 3 steps that businesses can take when they’re trying to improve the way they manage risk in the supply chain.
Vendigital to support ADS in role as data partner
Earlier this year the trade body representing the UK’s aerospace, defence, security and space sectors, ADS, appointed Vendigital as their strategic data partner.
Strategic Demand Planning: 4 best practices you should be following
Demand planning is a crucial process which allows businesses to predict the demands for products or service and manage their operations and supply chain accordingly.
Challenges facing the UK aerospace sector
This month we presented to some key members of the aerospace industry a few of the challenges we are seeing through our work with our clients, in our role as data partner to the ADS.
Battery-as-a-service (BaaS) model moves up the grid
Removing the cost of battery ownership from the equation could help boost mass market uptake of electric vehicles.
Supply chain: How to avoid price rows in inflationary times
Julie Neal and Alex Copeland explain how by working collaboratively both sides of the negotiating table can avoid clashes and potentially generate added value too.
How well is the Rail industry aligned and incentivised to achieve financial sustainability?
Here are some of our findings from a recent survey around a lack of sector alignment and incentivisation to deliver change in the rail industry.
Ukraine war: battling with supply chain disruption
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to rising costs and supply chain disruption. So, what can decision makers do to mitigate negative impacts on their operations and financial position?
Forbes World’s Best Management Consulting Firms – Vendigital Ranked in Top 50
Vendigital has been ranked in the top 50 of the Forbes worlds leading consultancies having been recommended across 11 categories.