Forbes World’s Best Management Consulting Firms 2024 – Vendigital Ranked in Top 50
Vendigital has been ranked in the top 50 by Forbes in their 2024 list of the World’s Best Management Consulting Firms, featuring in 8 categories.
The AI advantage: get ready for battery passports
With greater transparency comes greater responsibility to ensure the supply chain is operating ethically and sustainably.
FMCG manufacturing – data visibility is key to cost and carbon efficiency
An accurate and holistic understanding of the carbon and cost impact of each facet of business operations is imperative to stay competitive.
Where have all the EV incentives gone?
When it comes to deciding whether or not to buy a new battery electric vehicle (BEV), limited access to accurate and reliable user data, as well as a lack of incentives, are holding back sales.
Webinar – Robust inventory management: The key to thriving in uncertainty
In the face of increased operational pressures, we explore how manufacturers can embed a robust approach to inventory management to keep production lines moving.
Webinar: Creating a competitive advantage in carbon and cost
In this webinar our panellists discuss how to get visibility of your carbon emissions by breaking down your manufactured products, and why cutting carbon in your operations can also help you cut cost.
Bringing innovation to life
With product innovation flourishing, manufacturers could be forgiven for innovating first and thinking about whether their value chain is capable of bringing it to market later. Yet taking this approach could be selling themselves short.
Using should cost modelling strategies to absorb rising costs
Should Cost modelling can accelerate cost savings, closing the cost gap that often exists between the business environment of months or even years ago, compared to that of today.
PE firms are back in investment mode and sharpening their focus on value creation
An upturn in private equity investing seems to be underway. But with multiples constrained and exits continuing their slow recovery, managers are sharpening their focus on value creation.