Telecoms sector disruption could be more far-reaching than first thought
Simon Woodcock looks at the likely effects of current exceptional global challenges on the telecoms sector.
UK Magazine Publishing and Business Media: Value, Impact and Engagement
A recent report produced by Vendigital and the PPA offers valuable insights into the scale, impact and reach of the UK magazine publishing and business media sector.
How publishers can improve efficiency without collateral damage
When not approached properly, content cost reduction can lead to collateral damage in the form of lower-quality content. Now more than ever, this needs to be avoided.
Measuring and Improving Creative Efficiency
For Media operations important features include quality, design & creativity, and fit-for-purpose. But what about efficiency? Could content creators be measured for their creative efficiency?
The newspaper retail market in numbers
Vendigital commissioned a survey of over 2000 UK adults, to assess the current state of newspaper demand. When the survey results are combined with our data analysis we can map the newspaper retail market against 5 key factors.
TI Media Case Study
In a rapidly-shifting marketplace with declining traditional revenue streams, the business needed to invest in growth areas by reducing the cost base of core brands, whilst protecting product quality.
Broadcast Media and Covid-19: Lessons of the Lockdown
The 2020s may come to be looked back on in the broadcast media sector as the ‘pandemic decade;’ in which everything was redefined because of Covid-19 and its aftermath. Here we will explore what the impact will be, and how different players in the market will be affected.
Marketforce Case Study
How the appliance of exceptional data science transformed the business strategy decision-making for a leader in UK wholesale distribution.
Newsprinters Case Study
How delivering transformational change helped Newsprinters, a key player in the print media sector, gain competitive advantage in a complex and challenging environment.